Special Feature

The Lost Arts of Optometry, Part One: A Refresher on Scleral Depression

When was the last time you performed scleral depression? Do you even remember how to do it? Relax––we’ll jog your memory.

A Look at VMT Syndrome

Depending on the condition’s severity, patients with VMT syndrome may experience an abrupt decrease in visual acuity and require surgical intervention.

Learn How to Irrigate The Lacrimal System

Lacrimal irrigation is a relatively simple procedure that can help enhance your patients’ tear flow.

Retina Photo Album

These images, submitted through 'Case Photos' on SightNation.com, illustrate some of the most amazing retinal conditions.

Having It All

These female O.D.s found the Rx that works best for them and their children. Here, they share their stories and tips on how you too can feel more fulfilled—and less stressed.

Long-Term Care: Planning for the Unthinkable

We often think about retirement, but we rarely think about the care we might need when we’re older. Consider planning now.

A Toast to Wine and Your Ocular Health

Compounds found in red wine may decrease your chances of developing cataracts, AMD and several other ocular conditions.

Through the Eyes of an Artist

Impressionists are known for their brush strokes and 'splashes of color.' But, are these simply the result of uncorrected vision problems?

Upcoming Events

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care clone 1

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care clone 2

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here

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