
The Telephone is Ringing…

A new year brings new rules—make sure you know what your carriers expect when it comes to telehealth services.

As Soon as You've Got It, Things Change

The good news: 2019 will bring policy changes that will benefit both you and your patients.

Optometry Benefits in ’19 Medicare Rules

In the coming year, coverage will favor ODs.

Take on Point-of-care Testing

Follow the proper certification steps and benefit from its impact on clinical outcomes.

In Your Practice…and Wallet

How you make your money now affects your practice value long-term.

Playing with Fire: OCT-A Coding

Know the reimbursement rules before you invest.

The Compromised Cornea: Take Cover

Bandage contact lenses are crucial for corneal protection, but can present both clinical and coding challenges. Here’s what you need to know.

Corneal—and Coding—Protection

Billing for a bandage contact lens is simple—until it isn’t. Here’s how to do it correctly.

Minor League Coding

With increased scope of practice comes increased risk; let’s revisit the rules pertaining to minor surgical procedures?

A Coding Crystal Ball

The comprehensive error rate testing program can provide valuable claims data to help you stay ahead of the game.

Upcoming Events

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care clone 1

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care clone 2

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here