Here’s a step-by-step guide to how it’s performed. By Scott Bauer, BA, Christina Tran, BS, and Leonid Skorin Jr., DO, OD, MS. Click here to read the article
Studies show too few doctors perform this simple and valuable procedure. Click here to read the article
Keep dry eye patients flowing into your office with this time-honored technique. Click here to read the article
Address angle closure with Nd:Yag technology. Click here to read the article
When guesses and hunches won???t do, get the facts. Click here to read the article
Lower IOP for postoperative cataract patients with this elegant technique. Click here to read the article
SLT is becoming a first-line treatment as states allow optometrists to perform it. Click here to read the article
PCO is the most common complication of cataract surgery. Here???s how this procedure is performed. Click here to read the article
Want to express meibomian glands like a pro? Here???s a step-by-step tutorial. Click here to read the article
Corneal Debridement with Diamond Burr Polishing. Click here to read the article
Follow these simple steps to confidently perform lacrimal dilation and irrigation. Click here to read the article
Amniotic membrane devices can speed healing, reduce scarring and improve comfort. Click here to read the article
Need to remove a foreign body and rust ring? We???ll show you how it???s done. Click here to read the article
Carolyn Majcher, OD, discusses shortcomings of the ETDRS staging system for diabetic retinopathy and how OCT angiography enhances the sensitivity of DR diagnosis, as well as reviews the potential concerns to be aware of in patients using GLP-1 agonists. For more on this topic, check out the cover story of the June 2024 issue of Review of Optometry by Dr. Majcher and Jessica Tarka, OD, titled "Diabetic Eye Disease: A Comprehensive Look at the Optometrist’s Role." Read it here: Click here to read the article
Carolyn Majcher, OD, offers a brief discussion on early findings in diabetic eye disease, severe case presentations and signs indicating the need for urgent referral to a retinal specialist. For more on this topic, check out the cover story of the June 2024 issue of Review of Optometry by Dr. Majcher and Jessica Tarka, OD, titled "Diabetic Eye Disease: A Comprehensive Look at the Optometrist’s Role." Read it here: Click here to read the article
It’s time to start introducing interventional therapies when treating glaucoma. Here’s what to expect from iStent Infinite. Read the article here: Click here to read the article
Albert Cheung, MD, demonstrates Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty—now the most common keratoplasty procedure. For more, read the August Surgical Minute column from Review of Optometry at Click here to read the article
Albert Cheung, MD, demonstrates a full-thickness penetrating keratoplasty. Read about the procedure in this edition of Surgical Minute from the June issue: Click here to read the article
Get to know this minimally invasive floaters procedure. By Jeff Banas, OD, and Jessica Schiffbauer, OD
From units to bottles, there’s been a big change in how this alternative treatment has been used and designed. Learn more about intense pulsed light therapy in the latest Surgical Minute: Click here to read the article
This new procedure—Descemet stripping only—may eliminate the need for a corneal transplant. Video courtesy of Albert Cheung, MD. Read more:
Intracameral injection of Durysta gives patients a break from the daily drudgery of topical medication use. Here’s how to do it. By Nate Lighthizer, OD
Arkadiy Yadgarov, MD, demonstrates the placement of an iStent Infinite (Glaukos). Read the article here:
By Blair Lonsberry, OD, MS, MEd; Edited by Nate Lighthizer, OD Intralesional injection can help patients who want a less invasive option for treating their chalazion. Video of the injection process of patient described in the procedural text. Please note that a Jaeger plate was used in this procedure. Also note how the skin puffs up with the injection of the steroid, and the lesion was injected from two different locations on the lesion.
By Nate Lighthizer, OD, and Komal Patel, OD Chalazion incision and curettage is effective and safe for patients. Here’s how to get the best results.
By Michal Reygan Martin, OD Foveoschisis requires surgical intervention. Here’s what the MD will do to alleviate traction and protect the retina.
By Derek N. Cunningham, OD, and Walter O. Whitley, OD, MBA Newer diagnostic techniques can identify patients as well as guide appropriate medical and surgical treatments.
New IOL materials and designs aim to reduce bothersome issues such as dysphotopsias. By Jake Wysiadlowski, OD
The recently approved Evo Visian ICL comes with a central port that allows aqueous movement, eliminating the need for a PI.
Silicone vitrectomy helps save eyes with severe globe trauma. By Derek N. Cunningham, OD, and Walter O. Whitley, OD, MBA
The new Synergy IOL combines the designs of two previous lenses in the same family. By Ethan Zimmerman, OD
Interventional glaucoma allows optometrists to minimize the treatment burden for our patients. Video: New World Medical By Mackenzie Macintyre, OD
When the corneal epithelium is compromised, sometimes the best approach is to let the eye start over with a clean slate. By Ethan Zimmerman, OD.
This MIGS method combines a pair of glaucoma procedures to address three points of aqueous resistance. By Halee Alleman, OD
Newer drug options are quickly making a name for themselves when it comes to post-op care.
Surgeons have much to gain when they add the Hydrus Microstent to their arsenal.
A new IOL can be adjusted post-implantation to provide more optimal outcomes. By Derek N. Cunningham, OD, and Walter O. Whitley, OD, MBA Click here to read the article
Challenges in treating a wide variety of anterior and posterior segment diseases are shared in a clinical rounds format. This course covers both common and not so common ocular disorders encountered in over 80 years of combined clinical practice. An interactive approach is used to discuss diagnosis and management strategies involved with each case presentation. Clinical pearls will be shared to enhance patient care with our colleagues.
Ab interno canaloplasty directly following cataract surgery. Performed by Andrew Bailey, MD, a glaucoma specialist at Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City, OK.
Hydrus insertion directly following cataract extraction. Performed by Andrew Bailey, MD, a glaucoma specialist at Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City, OK.
iStent inject insertion directly following cataract surgery. Performed by Andrew Bailey, MD, a glaucoma specialist at Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City, OK.
When a patient’s vision switches on and off, it’s time for a serious investigation. Here’s what to look for and where to refer. Click here to read the article
Stop this rare infection while time is on your side. Click here to read the article
A routine slit lamp exam may reveal telltale findings of health concerns elsewhere in the body. Here are the most common to look for. Click here to read the article
This foreboding finding may foretell of some more serious conditions. Click here to read the article