Women's Health

Research Lacking on Neonatal Chlamydial Conjunctivitis

Erythromycin may cure more cases than azithromycin.

A Drop in the Bucket

Should a pregnant graft patient be taken off steroids?

Recognize Distinctions in Women’s Eye Health

Some issues, both ocular and systemic, have a greater impact on women than men. Learn to identify when the difference can affect how you practice.

Beat These Modern Day Prescribing Challenges

Today’s optometrists face difficult Rx decisions—from managing pregnant patients to deciding whether a generic can be substituted for a brand.

Upcoming Events

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care clone 1

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care clone 2

New Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care and Intrepid Eye Society's Spring Conference

Location: Omni La Costa, Carlsbad, California
Co-Chairs: Paul M. Karpecki, OD, and Selina McGee, OD,

Register here