May 15, 2005


ARVO Report

Report from ARVO

Gaining Ground Against Blinding Diseases


Researchers offer new information about central corneal thickness, medications and diagnostic technology.


Studies discuss fluoroquinolone efficacy, new treatments for corneal disease, keratoconus and more.


Photodynamic therapy used in conjunction with other agents is forefront among newer retinal treatments.

Cataract and Refractive Surgery

Researchers discover new ways to medicate cataract patients, remove vitreous, use excimer lasers and more.

Contact Lenses

Pick Up the Dropouts

There’s more to contact lens dropout than discomfort. Identify and discuss problems early to retain these patients in your practice.

Ophthalmic Drugs

The Role of Oral Medications in Optometry

As scope of practice expands, so too must our knowledge of oral medications.

Patient Care

How to Care for the Pregnant Patient

There may be more than a twinkle in an expectant mother’s eye. Pregnancy can cause serious ocular changes. By Marc B. Taub, O.D., Mary Bartuccio, O.D., and Jeanmarie Davis, O.D.

Pediatric Practice

Treatment Options for Non-Refractive Conditions

In this second installment of “Pediatric Practice,” we will discuss how the primary-care optometrist can manage five conditions common in school-aged children.



Patients Say I’m Full of Baloney

Yeah, and I’m also full of turkey, corned beef, salami, canned tuna, chicken salad, ham, Spam, liverwurst, buffalo mozzarella, olive loaf ...

Clinical Quandaries

Treat Older Kids for Amblyopia

A new study found as many as half of older kids with amblyopia showed improvement after treatment.

Cornea and Contact Lens Q & A

Are Crystals a Clue to Myeloma?

Not necessarily, these practitioners say. Consider six other possible causes of corneal crystals as well.

Diagnostic Quiz

Glaucoma Grand Rounds

If It Ain’t Broke, Why Fix It?

A patient whose glaucoma is well under control may still have room for improvement in therapy.

Meetings and Conferences

News Review


Kick Back and Catch Up

Some take new research with a grain of salt. But, here at Review, we prefer to take it with a grain of sand.

Product Review

Therapeutic Review

How to Play the Shell Game

Do you know whether you’re dealing with episcleritis, scleritis or uveitis?