Improving the Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry Eye Disease

In an effort to identify opportunities for improvement in screening, diagnosis, and treatment, more than 30 leaders in DED gathered in Dallas, Texas, on December 11–13, 2014, for the inaugural Dry Eye Summit. The overall goal of the Summit was to create, through a consensus of the experts, practical recommendations that could easily be implemented and would have a substantial impact on the quality and consistency of care that patients with DED receive at the general practice level. Over the course of the meeting, the experts evaluated various screening, diagnostic, and treatment options, arriving at a consensus on baseline standards that can be used by all ECPs for clinical patient encounters. During the summit, experts discussed:
  • The Scope of Dry Eye Disease
  • Dry Eye Disease: Management Challenges for the ECP
  • What are the Knowledge Gaps?
  • Closing the Gaps: Dry Eye Summit Recommendations