July 15, 2018


Annual Glaucoma Report

100 Ways to Lower IOP

This index can help you navigate the myriad glaucoma therapy options available now and in the pipeline.

A Guide to Applying IOP-lowering Drugs

Several classes of pharmaceutical agents can address glaucoma patients’ needs. Here’s a primer.

Comanaging Invasive Glaucoma Surgeries

When the easy options aren’t enough, it’s time to call in the heavy artillery. Here’s what surgeons can do for those patients most in need.

Glaucoma Care with Laser Precision

Trabeculoplasty, performed early in the disease course, may prevent more invasive surgical intervention for certain glaucoma patients.

Glaucoma: Lifestyles of the Antioxidant Rich and Famous

Nutrition and other health choices can affect your patients’ risk of disease and progression. Here’s what you need to know to educate them properly.

MIGS Madness: An Atlas of Options

With so many choices, it’s a challenge to properly educate patients. These pointers and illustrations can help.



Everyone's a Comedian

Guess I won’t be quitting my day job with these wise-crackers waiting in the wings to take over.

Coding Connection

Minor League Coding

With increased scope of practice comes increased risk; let’s revisit the rules pertaining to minor surgical procedures?

Diagnostic Quiz

The Incredible Shrinking Eye

A patient's family brought her in because they felt her left eye was “shrinking.”


Push the Button

Glaucoma requires a leap of faith, in your clinical abilities and in the efficacy of intervention. Accept it and move on.

Retina Quiz

The Gene Genie

A patient has experienced vision troubles all his life. Could he come by it naturally?

Review of Systems

Don’t Berry this Clinical Finding

Retinal astrocytic hamartomas are the most common ocular finding in tuberous sclerosis complex.

The Essentials

Concerns About the Choroid

Here are three important things to look for.

Therapeutic Review

PTC Revisited

Recognize when all the signs add up to a rare condition.

Through My Eyes

Step Up to Glaucoma

With new therapies at our disposal and a boom in MIGS procedures, it’s time to take the reins for our glaucoma patient’s sake.

Urgent Care

A Bloody Mess

A game of racquetball goes wrong when a player winds up with a case of traumatic hyphema.